A World of Spirits

As spirits producers, we at Downtime Cocktails are constantly scanning market data for news and insights about trends and statistics. As we periodically take a look at both global and national trends, we get a better understanding of how we can get our message out most effectively and position Batch 22 for success.

According to ReAnIn, a research and analysis company, the global spirits market was about $182 billion In 2023. By 2030, that market is expected to grow by nearly 30%, to $241 billion.

Zimbabwe is the world's top consumer of alcohol per capita (62.8 liters), according to wisevoter.com—and its consumption is almost double the number two on the list, Tunisia. The U.S., in comparison, comes in at #121 on the list with a per capita consumption of 13.7 liters. That's significantly behind France (16.7 liters), Spain (14.6 liters), and just ahead of Italy (12 liters).

A large part of the global spirits market is dominated by China, which is home to the world's most-consumed spirit: Baijiu. Never heard of it? Most people in the U.S. haven't, even though global Baijiu consumption dwarfs the consumption of most other mainstream spirits combined. Baijiu is starting to find acceptance in certain American markets (innovative and cutting-edge bartenders are starting to craft cocktails with Baijiu as a main ingredient), but this sorghum-based, grain-alcohol-like beverage is still mostly unknown.

Given Baiju's popularity, it's not surprising that the most valuable spirit label in world is Moutai Baijiu. The brand is currently worth upwards of $500 billion.

We like looking at the Baijiu story because, in many ways, it mirrors the current story of aquavit in America. Of course, the global and U.S. markets for aquavit are exponentially smaller than those for Baijiu, but—like Baijiu—aquavit is a ubiquitous spirit in certain parts of the world and is starting to gain prominence in America. We're heartened by that, even though we realize Batch 22 is unlikely to be valued at $500 billion any time soon!